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Muskie Catch and Release (Pt. IV) - Final Thoughts

Kids of Catch and Release

Kids of C&R
For children, it's especially important to teach them the true meaning of protecting the resource. Be it Bluegill or Muskie, the difference between species of fish, their part in the food chain and how they enhance our lives and the ecology of a lake.

Unfortunately, I think some use their kids as an excuse to harvest fish that typically should be released by saying it was his or her first or biggest.

I show the kids in my family the value of eating a meal through selective harvest of smaller sized schooling species and the need to release top predators like Muskie, Pike and large fish of all species.

I always encourage release when the kids are small and typically so is the catch (but never underestimate a child's ability to out fish you - they have a knack). Show them that release is just as exhilarating as the catch; they always enjoy seeing them swim off more than killing them.

I was fishing with my nieces 9 and 11 when the 11 year old got a Walleye about 25 - 26 inches, I unfortunately forgot my camera. She was so worried that the fish was going to die if I didn't hurry releasing it, she didn't care about my camera issue, she just wanted to touch her and let her swim. It was so natural for her. I was as proud as I'll ever be. I never said a word, she made the decisions and she understood how important that fish was and will be. We still remember and talk about her first Walleye and will as long as we live.

Dan Crooms takes his girls out as often as possible. They love fishing ice or open water. They just like being outdoors with Mom and Dad. They also prefer catch and release so much that when the girls fish with other family members, they often remark on the girls "Need" to release their catch. So sometimes, the kids are helping the adults to just let some swim.

I feel it's important not to pressure them into release but to show them and let them learn what fish are table fare and what fish are more valuable to all of us swimming and possibly being caught again. Maybe by their own children; the funny thing is kids understand this easily and readily more than many adults.

She Died On Me

Things don't always go as planned. Very rarely do fish die from the fight but, it can happen. If you have done all you can do to save the fish, don't regret it but try to learn from it. If you made mistakes that cost the fish please think about what happened so you will not duplicate your disasters but multiply your success. If your looking for a skin mount that is the one to stuff. If you already have a mount, donate it to a club or DNR office for educational reasons. Seriously reconsider before you intentionally kill another for the wall if you already have one. Please think before you act. With the quality of reproductions, the effect on the fishery of incremental harvest is detrimental and just not necessary. A reproduction will last you a lifetime the skin mount will eventually change and not for the best.

Dead Fish Etiquette

These actions will help insure that the death of your fish is not perceived as intentional or irresponsible and will not perpetuate interest in harvesting large fish.
~Do Not take pictures of the dead fish on land away from the water, the worst case involves taking pictures in the kitchen or bathtub.
~Respect yourself and the fish by not publicizing dead fish pictures in Magazines or on the Internet, if you do use the photo don't emphasize the death as many have in the past.
~Use this occurrence to help educate others about the experience.
~Do not defend the ill fated actions of others today because of your intentional or unintentional actions in the past, use those experiences to make a better future, condoning the actions are not going to make anyone a better fisherman or save a future catch.

Life Size Photo Reproductions & Mounts

Now we have another alternative to skin and fiberglass reproductions - a life sized photo of your catch. This is a great alternative for those that don't have the space for a mount or a spouse thats willing to dust it off for you. These are available from custom fish dot com and well worth consideration until your mount is ready or until you can do some convincing at home.

Remember, 100% release is always a good choice for you, the fish and the future. The day you are blessed with the Muskie of your life think for a second and thank the men and women that let her swim before you and do the same in return. A replica mount will look better and outlast a skin mount as evidenced by the pictures below.

Skin Mounted Lake of the Woods 51" from 1977, oil leaching through
the skin, head and fins have shrunk considerably.

A Joe Fittante Replica 51" Thank You for supporting Muskies Inc
and C&R Joe!!

Now Joe Fittante is charging the same for a replica as he would a skin mount!!! Thank you Joe for doing the right thing for the resource and the future of our sport

The Other ESOX

Remember to treat small fish and fish of other species with the same respect you afford the larger ones. A nice pike is a valuable fish, even more so than a trophy Muskie in many bodies of water. In many countries, these are prized fish and should be viewed the same in your home waters as they are abroad.

They are a wonderful fight and a beautiful fish. We need to protect large Northern Pike the same way we protect Muskies. It's so very important to the future of the lakes and sport fishing. Pike and Muskie are the key components to stabilizing and controlling undesirable fish, maintaining good water quality and we NEED them both for a healthy lake. So give "Pike" a break.

Your Memories

A dead fish in a picture is nothing more than that; a dead fish. It shows none of the life and vitality that you were overwhelmed with when you touched her for the first time. At the fatal moment you make the decision to keep her there is still time to stop and listen to your heart. We have all struggled with these decisions. "We Are Human". When you see her swim away you will never regret making the right choice, it's our human nature. It's a natural human behavior to feel the need to reap & sow, to provide, to hunt & gather, to own and acquire but you must also be able to show mercy, care and humanity. Let your memories be filled with images of her survival, her rejuvenation and your care for things that make life worth living. Muskies have changed my life I hope they will change yours too.

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